After School Activities

Silkwood School offers a variety of activities, providing opportunities for students to continue pursuing their interests and enjoying the company of friends after school finishes for the day. Activities are professionally organised and run either by our community or external providers.

After School Activities - Term 1, 2025

After-school activities resume on Monday, 3rd February.

All students MUST be booked with Extend to participate in After School Activities. Please visit website to register

Book now to secure a place for your child!

Ikin Dance **REDUCED FEES**

To enrol:

  1. Log onto Ikin Dance Parent Portal (or "create account" if first time student)
  2. Select "Register" (top menu) and "Classes"
  3. Select "Silkwood Dance Program Term 1 2025" tab
  4. Click "Silkwood Dance Class"
  5. Enter Autopay details and sign waiver (NOTE: fees for classes are charged for the month in advance - upon registration and on the 1st of the month thereafter)

Want to know how to enrol?