Inclusivity and Diversity
Silkwood School is an inclusive and secular school. This means it is not connected to any specific religious or spiritual faith and supports people to live their lives in ways they believe are best. For this reason, Silkwood does not oppose or support any religion or specific personal philosophies on life or health. Instead, it provides an open ground where different types of faith and philosophy can be discussed and explored openly, freely and respectfully.
Rather than provide one norm or dominant belief by which everything else is compared or which the school focuses on, Silkwood provides an equal playground: to play, believe, converse, and think. It is, therefore, openly inclusive and respectful of everyone’s beliefs when it is not impacting or replacing societal laws, human rights, or harmful to people.
Here at Silkwood we state that:
- We value the freedom of a young person to engage democratically with others who have different worldviews from one’s own;
- We value the idea that religious faiths and non-religious worldviews are possibilities that can co-exist within a community;
- We value the freedom of people to be non-religious or religious;
- We value inclusivity and equality;
- We actively seek respect for others.